Welcome to LOVE is the Revolution

Did you know that the frequency of LOVE can heal your DNA

Our emotions and thoughts create our bodies vibration each vibration has a measurement in Hz
Here's an example of emotional values -

  • Peace = 600 Hz
  • LOVE = 500 Hz
  • Nuetrality = 250 Hz
  • Stress = 125 Hz
  • Fear = 100 Hz
When we vibrate at these low vibration your turning your bodies energy inward to protect your organs which is called a state of fight or flight, it's getting ready for an attack, this changes our heart rythem and puts us into a low vibration, we have the option to change this by becoming aware of our thoughts and emotion and living in the present moment. fear and love vibration
Make LOVE your new religion, do the things you really love in your life, think about the things you really love, becasue what you think about you manifest into your life. Create the life you really want.
Thank you for making time to visit this site.

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